Carraroe NS


Keeping You Up To Date

As a school, we work hard to ensure that parents are kept up to date with all that is going on inside Carraroe NS. 


We email regular newsletters & updates to all parents. However, we understand some of these may get lost in your inbox.


Have a look at the most recent newsletters below.


March 2022

Dear Parents/ Guardians, 

Spring has sprung…although some cold days it doesn’t feel like it! As we remembered in the School Assembly today though, there’s so much to be thankful for. Families, friends, school and home were all thought of in our prayers this morning. 

I wanted to share a few short updates with you. 

Currently our COVID Response Plan and all of the restrictions we have remain in place. Notwithstanding media reports and cabinet meetings, we have still not had any communication from the Department of Education regarding the lifting of COVID restrictions. We will continue to limit access to the school in line with current practice. All other measures will be examined in the coming weeks. 

We know that the legal mandates for mask wearing will end from next week. However, we are still dealing with a serious illness that’s highly transmissible and we work with the largest cohort of unvaccinated people in the country. Therefore we would encourage all who have been wearing masks, pupils and staff, to continue to do so. 

Book Fair
With the hope that other COVID restrictions will be lifted in time, we’re holding our Book Fair on March 8th-11th. Wednesday 9th is already scheduled as a half day so we are hoping to have an afternoon (1-3pm) and an evening session (6-8pm) on Thursday 10th March where parents would be able to come and purchase books that children have seen on Tuesday and Wednesday. As in other years purchases can only be made in cash. 

World Book Day
We’re going to have a competition on March 3rd as we celebrate World Book Day where pupils can dress up as their favourite character or author. However, we’d encourage them to use whatever is to hand at home instead of buying anything extra or new. There will be prizes for the best dressed in each class. 

Wishing you all a marvellous mid term break, 

Roy Mitchell


February 2022

Dear Parents/ Guardians, 

At the recent Board of Management meeting held last week a Health and Safety Policy for the school was ratified, the school accounts for the year ended 31/08/2021 were approved and a number of other important matters were discussed. Please click the following links to view the Health and Safety Policy, a Report to Parents on the School Accounts and the Agreed Report from the Board meeting. I’d like to sincerely thank the members of the Board of Management for their time and expertise. 

There seems to be a rise in COVID 19 cases across the country. After speaking with Public Health recently I was asked to urge all parents to continue to take all necessary precautions to stop the spread of the virus. As schools, we have the largest population of unvaccinated people in the country. Please see this video from the Department of Education. . The information is available in multiple other languages here:  

It’s important to remember these key points: 

  • Please do not send your child to school if they have any symptoms of COVID 19. 
  • Pupils need to stay at home until they are symptom free for 48 hours even if they have a negative antigen test.
  • Pupils from 3rd-6th class must wear a mask when inside the school.
  • Please avail of antigen testing for your child if you receive a text from the school. 
  • Be aware that pupils who previously had COVID can get COVID again 

On a much lighter note check out this short video clip. It’s a montage of images of the amazing creativity and hard work that’s on display each day in Carraroe NS. We’re conscious that we can’t have visitors to our school at the moment but we’d still like to show off some of the brilliant work pupils have done.

Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead, 

Roy Mitchell


January 2022

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Some brief updates and information as we leave Winter behind and look forward to brighter Spring days: 

Communion and Confirmation
The dates for these sacraments have been confirmed as follows: 

  • Communion: May 21st at 11am
  • Confirmation: May 27th at 12pm

Happily, these will both be held in St. John’s Church, Carraroe with Fr. Jim Murray presiding. 

In order to be fair to suppliers of the school uniform we will not be asking them to change the crest on school uniforms until September 2023. This will give them a longer lead in time to prepare for the change. Until then the previous school crest will still be available. 


Drop off and Pick Up
Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring that drop off and pick up of pupils operates as smoothly and safely as possible. A reminder to all that the parking spots at the front of the school are for drop and go only. This helps keep things moving in the morning and afternoon. If you need to park please do so in the community car park near the main road. Please also remind the children that if they need to cross the road safely to do so at the pedestrian crossing in front to the entrance to the staff car park.  


Health and Safety Policy
Please see attached the draft Health and Safety Policy for the school. If you have any comments or suggested changes to the policy please email


Games for All
Sligo Sports and Recreation Partnership are organising a new Games for All programme for children with disabilities/additional needs starting Saturday 5th February at 11am at Sligo Regional Sports Centre, Cleveragh.  Please see the attached poster with further details.
Registration is available online using this link 


Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead, 

Roy Mitchell


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