Carraroe NS

For Parents

Information on the day to day running of the school

Find Out More About The School.

Below, you can find a variety of information about how our school is organised. There are also links to further information like booklists and how to record absences.

Our School Day

Classes officially begin at 8:50am and finish at 2:30pm. Junior and Senior Infants finish at 1:30pm. Pupils have a morning and a lunch break where they have time to eat and play together outside. Buses serve the school and pick up pupils from across the locality. Call Dooley’s Express on 087 807 5862 for further information.


At present there are staggered opening and closing times in operation. Buses and parents begin dropping off pupils at 8:40am and all pupils enter and leave the school via dedicated channels. At the end of the day pupils leaving on buses depart at 2:20pm followed by all other classes at 2:25pm.


It’s important to note that pupils are not supervised outside of these hours and the school cannot take responsibility for pupils being dropped off early.


We take pride in our school uniform and it is mandatory that all pupils wear it. Our uniform can be purchased in many local shops throughout Sligo.

Boys’ uniform: Grey shirt/ polo shirt with a red tie, grey trousers and a grey v neck jumper with the school crest.

Girls’ uniform: Grey blouse/ polo shirt with a red tie, grey skirt/ pinafore/ trousers and a red jumper with the school crest.

PE Uniform for all pupils: navy tracksuit and a white polo shirt.


Please send any absence notes directly to your child’s class teacher. You can do this quickly, easily and directly via the Aladdin Connect app for parents. Alternatively you can also contact the school office using the phone number or email address at the top of the page. 

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